AFC Vancouver has kindly offered to organize a memorial service for dad in Vancouver, to be held in the evening of February 7th. Please see below for details (adopted from
加拿大基督使者協會前任總幹事錢北斗先生,在2009 年11 月中於香港中風入院治療,並已於2010 年1 月3 日(主日)凌晨被天父接返天家,享年65 歲。本會已分別於多倫多及溫哥華之「使者學生中心」設立追思閣,在辦公時間內開放,供各界人士到訪緬懷。在溫哥華的追思禮拜已訂下安排,詳情如下﹔
日期: 2010年2月7日 (主日)
地點: 溫哥華西區浸信會
8506 Ash Street, Vancouver (近Marine Drive SkyTrain 站)
時間: 晚上7時半
如有查詢,歡迎至電 (416)494-7171多倫多使者, (604)278-0642 溫哥華使者,或免費長途電話 1-877-463-0232。
Dear friends, and brothers & sisters in Christ,
With deepest regret Mr. Benny Chin, the former executive director of Ambassadors For Christ In Canada, has gone to be with the Lord in Hong Kong on Sunday, January 3, 2010. Memorial corners have been set up at AFC Student Centre in Toronto and Vancouver. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to pay their final tribute to our beloved brother during office hours.
Memorial Service in Vancouver has also been scheduled.
Date: February 7, 2010 (Sunday)
Place: Westside Baptist Church
8506 Ash Street, Vancouver (near Marine Drive SkyTrain Station)
Time: 7:30pm
*The service will be conducted mainly in Cantonese
Details of the Toronto memorial service in mid-February to follow.
For further inquiry, please contact AFC Toronto at (416)494-7171, AFC Vancouver (604)278-0642 or our toll free number at 1-877-463-0232
Ambassadors For Christ In Canada
Address: Unit 2120-8888 Odlin Crescent, Richmond B.C.
Tel: (604)278-0642
Fax: (604)278-0643
Office Hours: 10am to 6pm Tuesday to Saturday
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