Wednesday, November 25, 2009

prayer update 091125 am

In our family morning prayer today, I was struck with the thought that when we are able to appreciate and value dad for the person that he is and the gifts that he brings, he would wake up to a better reality than the one he’s known!

Also in the same period of time, we received word from the hospital that they’ll perform on dad today the tracheostomy procedure for mechanical ventilation, and an additional surgery for helping drain excess liquid from his brain area. As he’ll be under general anesthesia during the surgery, the hospital called to warn us of the many risks involved.

Please pray that God will protect dad during and after the surgery today, and that he’d become better because of it.


  1. Pray for Uncle Chin's surgery & his recovery.


  2. praying right now my dear friends

  3. I'm in prayer with the international faith community.

    Auntie Aileen sends her prayers, warmest regards and best wishes.

  4. 上星期我們在美國時收到斗叔的消息,心急如焚。每天向神呼求,求神大能的醫治臨到祂所愛的人。深信神必成就祂在斗叔身上美好的旨意。願我們都在救贖主愛的懷中經歷安息、得著盼望。

